Le finalità del Centro

Il Centro di Studi Asia and the West è stato istituito nel 2008 per iniziatica di Lina Unali, oggi presidente onoraria. L’attuale coordinatrice è Elisabetta Marino.
Suo scopo è giungere alla realizzazione di un autentico incontro tra culture distanti come quelle di Paesi Europei, dell’Asia centrale ed orientale, del Pacifico. Il Centro intende favorire la comunicazione e la moltiplicazione di rapporti in clima di pace tra individui di nazioni e di stirpi diverse, promuovendo una comprensione non superficiale della storia culturale, letteraria ed artistica di ogni nazione, attraverso lo studio di testi, di materiali filmici, di documentari, della stessa tradizione orale, avvicinati anche nella lingua originale, senza l’intervento talvolta potenzialmente deviante della traduzione.
Le finalità del Centro sono realizzate mediante promozione e realizzazione di attività di ricerca, insegnamento, organizzazione di convegni ed incontri di studio.

L’attività del Centro

Pubblicazioni ad accesso libero

Tagore beyond Borders Essays on His Influence and Cultural Legacy

Tagore Beyond Borders: Essays on His Influence and Cultural LegacyEdited By Mihaela Gligor, Elisabetta MarinoRoutledge, 2023
This book looks at Rabindranath Tagore’s creative art, social commitment, literary and artistic representation and his unique legacy in the cultural history of modern India – as a blend of the quintessentially Indian and the liberal universalist.

Tagore’s genius, which he expressed through his poetry, songs, paintings, drama and philosophy, is celebrated across the globe. In 1913, he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature for his volume of poetry, Gitanjali (Song Offerings), making him the first Nobel laureate from Asia. This volume of essays celebrates his intellectual engagements and his incredible legacy by discussing the diverse ways in which his works have been reinterpreted, adapted and translated over the years. It analyses his perspectives on modernity, nationalism, liberation, education, post-colonialism and translatability and their relevance today. The leitmotif is a Tagore who, while imaginable as made possible only within the Indian tradition, eludes attempts aimed at identification with a national culture and remains a “cosmopolitan” in the best sense of the term.

This volume will be of interest to readers and researchers in the fields of literature, philosophy, political science, cultural studies, Asian studies, South Asian studies and Tagore studies. Fans of Tagore will also find this an interesting read as it presents many little knows aspects of the poet’s work.

Precarity in Culture: Precarious Lives, Uncertain Futures

Edited by Elisabetta Marino, Bootheina Majoul

Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2023

The present state of research in precarity demands meta-questions and hence we need to probe both philosophy and practice in light of precarity’s different manifestations. The plural perspectives by which this phenomenon can be addressed also suggest potential for further theorization alongside that of Butler and her critics. By inviting scholars and experts from different fields and disciplines, and by applying multiple frameworks, methodological approaches, and critical lenses, this volume seeks to explore the different facets of our precarious world, while providing insights into the challenges of our possible futures.

New Asian ad American Writers and News from UK, Italy and Asia. Literature and the Visual Arts

Una città tra oriente e occidente. Istanbul Shanghai

Pubblicazioni ad accesso libero

Convegni e seminari

Precarious Lives, Uncertain Futures

(Rome, January 29-30, 2020)
Call for papers
Plenary Speakers

Liberal Arts in the 21st Century: Future Directions

(Webinar, november 26, 2021)

Tendenze politiche e religiose dalla Corte di Enrico VIII (1491-1547) alla missione di Padre Matteo Ricci (1552-1610) presso l’Imperatore della Cina

(Roma, 14 dicembre 2018)

Convegni e seminari

Precarious Lives, Uncertain Futures

(Rome, January 29-30, 2020)
Call for papers
Plenary Speakers

(Rome, January 29-30, 2020)
Call for papers
Plenary Speakers

Liberal Arts in the 21st Century: Future Directions

(Webinar, november 26, 2021)

Tendenze politiche e religiose dalla Corte di Enrico VIII (1491-1547) alla missione di Padre Matteo Ricci (1552-1610) presso l’Imperatore della Cina

(Roma, 14 dicembre 2018)